7 Angels Released to NBCF

During the Sunday morning prayer time with the Intercessors before our worship encounter on 11-7-21—NBCF’s Anniversary Sunday—the Holy Spirit spoke that the LORD was releasing seven different angels for the Hour we are in. 

I was also told that these 7 angels had been given assignments specific to their names. Now, I only saw the names of three of these angels.  Why…? Read more

Word of the Lord for 2011

Word of the Lord for 2011

The word I am giving forth this year, because of its unusual content, contains prophetic word with teaching.  I realize this is a lengthy word, but I exhort you to please take the time to read it and meditate upon its words because I believe it is the LORD speaking to us for the NOW.

Our Gregorian calendar year of 2011 is the Hebrew year of 5771: Ayin Aleph. I did a little research on Ayin Aleph and have posted what I found at the end of this Word. I was pretty much amazed and excited because I wasn’t able to get to the research for Ayin Aleph until after I had recorded this word for 2011.  It was totally confirmation.  Read more by downloading the PDF here: 2011 Word by Debra Jack