When You’re At a Standstill

When You're At A StandstillWhen You’re At A Standstill

by Debra Jack

In my own life there have been plenty of standstills.  I believe that many, many of us are at standstills.  You may be at a standstill in an important decision you need to make, in your job, in your finances, in general life direction, in an important relationship, in a critical decision…continue reading here: StandStill

His will or his will? (Part 2)

podcast coverSunday, January 10, 2016: 
His will or his will?  (Part 2)

Associate Pastor, Lucas, continues his series on “His will or his will?” This week, Lucas takes a deeper look at the things that are stolen from us by the enemy in an attempt to get us off course.  Whether it be financial hardship or illness, God’s Word instructs us not to worry.  A very encouraging word to Believers that are ready to receive the promises of God for their lives!

His will or his will? (Part 1)

podcast coverSunday, January 3, 2016: 
His will or his will?  (Part 1)

As we open the chapter of a new year, the word of the Lord is going forth into the lives of individuals and families, casting a vision for what the Lord desires to accomplish. These prophetic words are very purposeful, yet a battle ensues almost immediately, as the enemy tries to steal the word given. Associate Pastor Lucas Jack teaches on the choice we have in the matter.