2014 – A Prophetic Word

2014 – A Prophetic Word

A prophetic word from Co-Sr. Leader Debra Jack.

A new year has begun. Debra Jack, Co-Sr. Leader of New Beginnings Christian Fellowship brings forth a prophetic word for 2014. It will be a year where God will be getting up close and personal with His people – believers.   It will be a year of Pressure, Penetration, Promotion, Prosperity and Praise but we have to chose. Read on to see just what Debra believes the Lord is saying for the coming year in spite of what we see and hear. Have you been wondering? Might be worth a look and consideration.click here

Word for 2014


Sunday, January 5, 2014:
Word for 2014

Sr. Leader Debra begins this series with the word the Lord has given her for 2014. In this series she begins to present the 5 P’s of the word; Pressure, Penetration, Promotion, Prosperity and Praise, and the importance of understanding and gaining revelation about  and what it means for each of us this year.

Advent of Christ – Peace

Nativity Podcast

Sunday, December 22, 2013:
The Advent of Christ – Peace

This Sunday, Sr. Leader Debra Jack continues with the Advent addressing the fourth symbol – Peace. At this time of year we long for peace in the world, but do we really know the “peace” the Bible talks about? What does “peace” really mean? Give a listen and learn what true PEACE is all about.