
We are meeting in nearby homes during the winter months & will resume meeting under the tent once temperatures begin to warm. Please see information posted on our church office door for the specifics of where to join us each week. Or call/email us in advance of your visit so we can provide those details. We look forward to connecting!

Location of Church & Church Office:1065 Newfound Rd. Leicester, NC 28748.

For our online community, tune in to our weekly livestream on our YouTube Channel. Be sure to subscribe!

Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him.
Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness… For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority. 

– COLOSSIANS 2:7;9-10
See our calendar for the full schedule
Every 1st Sunday of the month
Visit us on YouTube for more teachings
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Come Experience…

Coffee House Fellowship

We invite you to mingle with us over a cup of joe before our 11:00 AM worship encounter. Coffee bar opens at 10:30 am on Sundays.

Authentic Community

Here, you will find a family-friendly atmosphere full of warmth and love. We don’t want to just be folks that go to church together, we want to do life together, and that comes through fostering deep connections. We love diversity and welcome people from all walks of life. Come as you are!

A Real and Powerful Gospel

Jesus Christ offers us a real relationship with the Living God. We aim to lead every person into a real and active relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that results in life transformation – thinking and living in a Kingdom reality!

Recent Posts

It’s Time to Receive

Apostle/Prophet Debra Pacheco

Are you paying attention to the signs of the times and the prophetic seasons we are in? God has created “times” and “seasons” upon the Earth and He can and will, as well, put emphasis on seasons and times—our time. For instance, He tells us of things to come in the latter days. This is an emphasis on and in time.

This year of 2025 “right now,” we are in a season of fulfillment as the LORD has spoken to many of His prophets. This fulfillment has to do with things we started, maybe yesterday–maybe years ago, and were never able to get it off the ground or see it developed for some reason or another. Maybe you started a business years ago that just never took off, but for some reason, you can’t let it go or don’t sense to let it go. Maybe it’s a church or ministry? Maybe it’s a book to write. It may be from something personal to ministry to whatever!

This is most likely the season for getting that vision, dream, or desire going so that it can be a fulfilling aspect in your life but also benefit others in many different ways. And it’s between you and God because He is the only One who knows the PLANS He has for you. But whatever it is that needs or requires fulfillment in your life, there is an anointing on it for now!

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