Behold Our King: Christmas Reflections

Behold Our King
Christmas Reflections
by Debra Jack

Amidst all the things that are going on in our government today; amidst great anger flaring, creating and scattering about both small and great civil wars; amidst horrific natural catastrophic events; amidst great and terrible attacks on human life—terrorists and other; amidst great immoralities hijacking and occupying society; amidst the great compromises of the Church, and more—there is a King to behold!  A King we need to see, look at and observe with great intention and focus!  A King that needs to be at the center of our life…continue reading.

Revival – Part 1

Sunday, September 24, 2017: 
Revival – Part 1

How would the Holy Spirit like to lead us, the Body of Christ, in revival?  What are steps that need to be taken by individual members of the Body to begin operating in this revived state?  Listen as Pastor Lucas expounds upon a prophetic word from Pastor Deb stirring us to a revived state!

Podcast Update

Thank you for your patience!  After navigating some technical difficulties with recording that were more complicated than we initially thought, we are back in motion with our podcast!  Look for some past messages to be available soon!