The Tithe in the Order of Melchizedek – Part 2

Sunday, March 8, 2020, Sr. Leader Debra continues her series on Biblical giving with a revelatory teaching on tithing in proper order – an order which involves a mysterious character in the Bible named Melchizedek. Listen as she reveals exactly who this person is and how this new order of tithing impacts our lives today!

Coronavirus and Your Rights

Coronavirus and rights…in the same sentence? Did I see that right? Absolutely! Learn more about your rights as a Believer in the midst of threatening sickness, plague and more. This is critical to enforcing our victory won through the Blood of Christ! Be sure to view Part 2 as well – there is a powerful prayer at the end that you can pray to enforce your rights and push back the darkness! Read it all here. 

Cindy Jacobs Prayer to End Coronavirus

Cindy Jacobs, along with other global leaders, are calling for a national day of prayer to end the Coronavirus. After seeking wisdom and prophetic counsel from prophets across the nation and world, they believe strongly that since this is a worldwide issue, it’s going to take the whole church to cry out together for mercy and healing. Let us join in!