A Vision of the End

A Vision of the End
A revived Word from the late Kenneth E. Hagin

Last week, Sr. Leader Deb presented this “lost word” from Kenneth Hagin recorded 68 years ago. It is a paramount word relevant to today.  Take a look at this word as well as the personal commentary on revival and how this word impacts NBCF right now from Sr. Leader Deb.


2018 Prophetic Word

2018 Prophetic Word
by Sr. Leader & Prophet Debra Jack

Each year, Sr. Leader & Prophet Debra intentionally seeks the Lord for a word regarding the direction and emphasis for the new year.

This Year of 2018, the LORD gives the Word: DEVOTION

Since many believe they already know what devotion means and believe they are already devoted to the LORD, they may be tempted to ignore this word.  Please don’t!   Whatever you think you know about devotion, forego it and…read more.