Prophetic Word for 2024

by Debra Jack Pacheco, Apostle & Prophet

As we quickly move into this New Year of 2024 on the Gregorian calendar, we find ourselves already into the new Hebrew year of 5784-5785.  The prophets are prophesying much right now and that is mostly because God is speaking and pulling out all stops to ready His people—His children.  The time is drastically short, and He is trying to reach His people through any and all avenues.  At the same time, it is also important to note that we must weigh and discern every word that comes forth.  Of course, we judge every word with the Word of God. 

And, no prophetic word given right now is new!  The LORD is simply repeating Himself like a good father would repeat to His children when he is teaching them and needing them to understand fully.  Sadly, like unruly children, many are paying absolutely no attention to His Words or Word.

There are two terms that the LORD has put strongly on my heart for this upcoming year—which are no surprise— nevertheless,  I am to obey God. 


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