Circle Up

Circle Up is our midweek gathering, which meets on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Wednesdays at 7:00pm.

What is Circle Up?

Circle Up exists to create space to engage in purposeful and sharpening conversations around what God is speaking to us through the Scriptures, through intercession, and through the teaching and discipleship going forth from Rooted Life Fellowship.

Circle Up is an intentional time to digest the spiritual truths we’re being taught, with the goal of inspiring spiritual and practical application of these truths in our individual and corporate lives. We do this by circling around the leadership and presence of the Holy Spirit as we gather.

We gather to stay connected, to stay encouraged and to deepen our bonds of brotherly love and unity. The Creator knows what the created needs. God designed us to THRIVE in community, where we are united by our love for Christ.

While we each are on a very personal journey with the Lord, we’ve been called to be built together, as living stones; therefore, our journeys collide. We each have strengths, gifts, experiences and wisdom that can benefit others in the Body. We value each one’s presence and participation, from youngest to oldest, from children to adults. 

On the third Wednesdays, the teens meet separately to have their own special circle up gathering called LEVEL Up. Learn more about LEVEL Up.

General Guidelines for participation in Circle Up:

We will celebrate and practice gratitude, honoring the presence of the Holy Spirit among us.

We will provide a safe environment in which we can exercise authenticity with one another and also maintain a level of confidentiality. 

We will support each other in deepening our relationship with Jesus and in conforming our beliefs and actions to the truth of the Bible.

We will participate in discussions actively while ensuring that we do not dominate them.

We will refrain from gossip and oversharing.

We will practice active and empathetic listening and embrace moments of silence.

We will be thoughtful about giving advice or offering quick fixes.

We will engage in times of prayer for and with one another.