Worship at NBCF is different, or at least we hope to bring a different experience to worship. Our heart is to encounter God through worship in a way that is not just a good feeling or emotion but that implores the workings of the Holy Spirit during our services.
At NBCF our worship is intentional, eclectic, and prophetic. It is meant to take us to that place around the throne where we can sing with the angels, worshiping God Most High. At NBCF we write much of our own music, however we glean from worshipers such as Hillsong, Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, Forerunner Music (IHOP), Don Potter, Jesus Culture, Bethel Music, Vineyard, Rick Pino, Christ for the Nations, Ion Worship, as well as traditional worship as the Holy Spirit leads.
Our worship is meant to be vertical. In other words, this means that we sing directly to God about His character and His blessings. We are not horizontal in worship which means we don’t sing about our struggles here on earth or how lowly we are. We believe that by glorifying God we will minister to people’s need.