Our goal during this unprecedented time is to continue to equip disciples of Christ to believe in and walk in the fullness of Christ, bringing the Good News of salvation – saved, healed, and delivered – to all!
We have reopened our doors for Sunday Worship Encounters and mid-week Bible study! We have restructured the sanctuary to allow for greater social distancing as we engage in community worship. We have hand sanitizer available throughout the church building. Masks are not mandatory, but remain optional. An usher or greeter will be available in the foyer to answer any questions you have . We look forward to worshipping our Creator and Savior with you!
Please note: At this time, nursery and children’s ministries are in operation following worship. Our private nursing room continues to be available for self-service as needed. Activity packets are also available for children ages 5-10 that may choose to stay with their parents rather than participate in classroom activities. Please ask to see Pastor Brooke for a packet!
We will continue live-streaming our Worship Encounters (Sundays at 11 AM) and mid-week services (Wed. at 6:30 PM) on YouTube. We invite you to visit our YouTube channel here. Be sure to subscribe so you can stay connected!

We encourage each of you to be faithful to pray and intercede during this time. Our churchwide prayer points can be found here. We will also live stream prayer meetings/Bible Study meetings on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM unless otherwise indicated on our calendar (view the NBCF calendar).